von Sigrid Berke-Noichl
16. März 2023

What a week! 
Four teachers from English speaking countries came to MS Kössen and taught 74 pupils. Donal from Ireland, Alan from Scotland and Sarah and Rebecca from England really appreciated teaching the children from our area. They said that our pupils were willing to take part in many activities. They also meantioned that they were really polite, motivated, friendly and very interested in new experiences.

How were they organized?
The participants were divided into four groups:

  • two teachers for the 3rd formers (Rebecca and Sarah)
  • two teachers for the 4th formers (Alan and Donal)

The topics this year were:

  • for the 4th formers: "The United Kingdom"
  • for the 3rd formers: story writing (comic book heroes), creating adverts and new inventions, planning and acting out detective stories or sports events (reporting a football match)

They were taught in the levels A2/B1 according to Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen (GER) für Sprachen (europaeischer-referenzrahmen.de)

We got quite positive feedback from the participants and also from some parents who had watched the shows or wrote comments to the teachers.

Therefore we think we can perform another English week next year.
The video underneath gives you a short insight abut this year's event.
If you (pupils, parents, teachers) have nice fotos for the website, please send them to school. We can publish them here.

This year the “English in Action“- week took place again.
From February 27th to March 3rd 2023 the 3rd and 4th classes got the chance to join English in Action.
It was a week of fun and games.  Four teachers from England came to us and did interesting projects. They only spoke English.
In the 3rd classes we created own comics and invented new machines.
In the 4th classes, for example, a business plan was drawn up in English and role plays of Snow White and Cinderella were performed. 
All participants gained great experience and had great fun.

Magdalene Hechl 3A


Two weeks after the halfterm-holidays there was English in Action. Our teachers were Rebecca and Sarah.
On Monday we played games and we talked about what we are going to do that week. The following day Sarah told us something about superheroes and we created our own comics. We talked about the news on Wednesday and also wrote our own news reports. On Thursday we had a project about a million dollar pitch.

Friday was the day of the show. Every day we practised our text for the presentation in the sixth lesson. Some parents came and watched the shows.

In this week we learnt to speak English more clearly and fluently and it was very funny.

Emma Dieser 3B
Leonie Fischbacher 3B